
Here is your broken character, the one left of heaven.
Scissors cut him from the page, example,
continue to read not to retrace the steps, touch me.
The hemorrhaging has ceased, has ceased.

And I swallow these capsules, to regain my grip.
And I swallowed myself sick. And I inherited my health. And I inherited my health

Here is your wake and smile, that you seem to need.
The safe and the touch, and the unweave.
Right where you placed it the night before,
Saint checks in to make sure,
you're right where you say that you are,
right where you are.

And I swallow these capsules, to regain my grip.
And I swallowed myself sick. And I inherited my health.And I inherited my health

I couldnt have seen
all these pictures of me
But i need need to(-Echo-), but i need to, I
Couldn't find a better way .
Couldn't find a better way, to lie.

And I swallow these capsules, to regain my grip.
And I swallowed myself sick. And I inherited my health, And I inherited my health

I couldnt have seen
all these pictures of me
But i need need to(-Echo-), but i need to, I
Couldn't find a better way.
Couldn't find a better way.
Couldn't find a better way.
Couldn't find a better way.
To lie.
To lie.
To lie

Aquí está su carácter roto, el que ha dejado(abandonado) de cielo.
Las tijeras lo cortan de la página,
el ejemplo,
Sigo leyendo para no volver sobre los pasos, tocame.
La hemorragia ha cesado, ha cesado.

Y trago estas cápsulas, recuperar mi apretón.
Y me tragué enfermo. Y heredé mi salud.

Aquí está su estela y risa, que parece necesitar.
La seguridad y el toque, y el intejer
Correcto donde se colocó en la noche antes, facturaciones de Santo para asegurarse,
tienes razón donde dices que eres,
correcto donde estás.

Ellos todos parecieron tan verídicos, ellos todos parecieron tan verdaderos.
No podía encontrar un mejor modo de mentir.

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